Closing the Cybersecurity Skills Gap: Strategies for Businesses

The demand for cybersecurity professionals has surged, with over 700,000 job openings in the industry. However, this critical demand is coupled with alarming levels of stress among cybersecurity professionals, as the ever-evolving threat landscape continues to challenge their expertise. As data breaches cost businesses an average of $3 million to $5 million per event, it is imperative that organizations take proactive steps to address the cybersecurity skills gap. In this article, we explore strategies that businesses can implement to shrink this gap and safeguard their digital assets.

Invest in Your Existing Workforce With Skills-Now Training

In a competitive job market, retaining talent is crucial. Gartner predicts that a quarter of cybersecurity professionals may leave the field due to work-related burnout by 2025. To mitigate this issue, organizations should invest in their workforce by providing training opportunities to enhance skills and meet growing workloads.

By offering skills-based training opportunities, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to employee development. These programs can result in higher pay for employees and a higher return on investment for the employer, especially for organizations with shrinking cybersecurity budgets. Supporting employees in upskilling ensures they can effectively manage evolving threats.

Embrace New Technologies in Your Cybersecurity Strategies

While digital transformation offers businesses increased agility and productivity, it also introduces new security challenges. The adoption of new technologies provides cybercriminals with fresh attack vectors. To combat these evolving threats, businesses must invest in the skills needed to understand and mitigate the risks associated with emerging technologies.

Generative AI, for instance, is on track to become a $1 trillion market, offering great potential for growth. Organizations must invest in their workforce’s capabilities to harness the benefits of these technologies while safeguarding against potential risks. By upskilling employees alongside technology investments, businesses can bridge the cybersecurity skills gap and remain competitive in an ever-changing landscape.

Look Beyond the SOC for Organizationwide Support

Cybersecurity is no longer solely the responsibility of a security operations center (SOC). It has become a priority across the entire organization, given the proliferation of cyber threats and the costs of data breaches. Building a cybersecurity-first culture requires a well-rounded approach that spans infrastructure, personnel, and skills training.

To gain organization-wide support for skills training, it is essential to demonstrate the value and benefits of such initiatives across the business. This shift should not rely solely on the approval of the CEO or CTO but should encompass a broader recognition of the potential of the existing workforce to support cybersecurity strategies.

The role of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) becomes pivotal in this context. CISOs must assess the skills of the entire organization and continually seek opportunities to upskill their talent pool, ensuring alignment with evolving security requirements.


As the cybersecurity landscape evolves, so too must the skills of cybersecurity professionals. Closing the cybersecurity skills gap is a complex and ongoing challenge. However, adopting a skills-now approach is the fastest way to align the workforce with organizational goals.

By offering upskilling and education opportunities to the existing workforce, businesses can create a more agile and prepared workforce. This approach is cost-effective, focused on certification-driven skills training, and enables organizations to adapt to technological advancements.

The future of the cybersecurity workforce will rely less on traditional education models and more on modern, certification-based, skills-now training. This approach ensures that employees’ skill sets keep pace with technological innovations, empowering organizations to stay ahead in the ever-changing cybersecurity landscape.

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