Cyber Attack Forces Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ) Website Offline

The Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ) faced an active hacking attack compelling its temporary shutdown, confirmed by Executive Director Carmela Fonbuena on Wednesday. Fonbuena highlighted the move as a preventive measure to evaluate and mitigate potential damages resulting from the ongoing attack.

This incident, labeled as the “most serious” attack in recent years by the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), aims to render inaccessible the website of the nonprofit investigative media agency known for its specialized reporting.

Fonbuena assured the public of a concerted effort to address the security concern and safeguard both infrastructure and archives. The NUJP underscored the gravity of such attacks, emphasizing the negative impact on public access to information and the allocation of resources for journalistic endeavors.

This attack on the media website aligns with a concerning trend of cyber attacks and defacements experienced by various news websites, leading to their temporary suspension.

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