Cyber Incident Disrupts Washington State Department of Transportation’s Online Services

Key components of the Washington State Department of Transportation’s (WSDOT) website have been offline since Tuesday, following a cybersecurity incident aimed at disrupting the flow of travel information online. Although the basic website and app are still accessible, the outage has resulted in significant disruptions for those relying on real-time data, particularly affecting the tracking of ferries and navigation through mountain passes, crucial as winter approaches.

While statewide traffic cameras have been restored, major services such as the state’s travel map, mobile app, ferry vessel watch, and online freight permits remain unavailable. The incident’s source and nature are currently under internal investigation by WSDOT, with spokesperson Barbara LaBoe confirming that the incident has not been reported to law enforcement at this stage.

“We will work closely with law enforcement when and if needed,” LaBoe stated, emphasizing that the IT team at WSDOT will complete its investigation before deciding on further actions.

WSDOT spokesperson Kris Abrudan reassured the public that there is no evidence suggesting the attack has spread to other parts of the department’s systems, focusing primarily on the outward-facing website. The disruption, particularly inconvenient for ferry travelers, has left passengers without real-time tracking information, impacting those dependent on the state’s app or website to monitor ferry locations.

The lack of a functioning website has proven challenging for ferry passengers, especially considering the chronic delays in recent years. With preset schedules losing reliability, many travelers are left in the dark without live tracking. However, alternative solutions such as the Marine Traffic website offer a way to locate ferries by their individual names.

Despite the website’s unavailability, WSDOT is actively providing updates on traffic, ferry information, and the status of its website through social media platforms. While the disruption persists, email updates for late-arriving ferries are still being sent, offering some relief for passengers impacted by the incident.

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