Georgia Pharmacies Struggle with Prescription Discounts After Health Tech Cyberattack

A cyberattack on a major health tech platform last week has caused significant disruptions for pharmacies in Georgia, particularly in applying drug maker discounts to prescriptions. The intrusion, which targeted a subsidiary of UnitedHealthcare in Minnesota, has impacted thousands of pharmacies nationwide, leading to complications in the billing process through insurance companies.

According to Ben Ross, President-Elect of the Georgia Pharmacy Association and owner of eight pharmacies in southeast Georgia, the disruption has resulted in challenges in workflow and processing manufacturer coupons for patients’ brand name drugs. Ross highlighted the increased cost of medications without these discounts, citing a specific example of a patient whose co-pay for a headache medication soared from zero to over a thousand dollars due to the unavailability of coupons.

The Georgia Pharmacy Association is currently assessing the extent of the impact on patients and pharmacies in the state, with pharmacies working diligently to ensure patients receive their medications. In some cases, pharmacies are covering the coupon discount temporarily, hoping to be reimbursed once the technical issues are resolved.

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