The Harris Center for Mental Health Grapples with Suspected Ransomware Attack

The Harris Center for Mental Health is grappling with the aftermath of a suspected ransomware attack that transpired earlier this week, raising concerns about patient care disruptions and data security.

The attack, which was confirmed in a recent news release, led to the encryption of critical employee files, rendering them inaccessible to staff members. Consequently, this has had a direct impact on the provision of patient care, causing delays in services.

In response to the incident, the Harris Center for Mental Health issued a statement, assuring the public, “The Harris Center is taking all possible steps to continue to provide patient care uninterrupted. The Harris Center is actively working with their teams, as well as third-party security response specialists, to investigate and restore full functionality.”

However, the statement did not provide further details regarding the incident or the extent of the encryption.

Local authorities have also been involved in addressing the situation. A statement from the Harris County Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management and the Harris County Information Technology department reaffirmed their commitment to resolving the issue. The joint statement read, “We take Harris County’s cyber security extremely seriously. The Harris County Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management and Harris County Information Technology continue to work with the Harris Center to manage this incident.”

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