Possible Breach in Philippines’ COVID-19 Vaccination Data Following WHO Database Hack

Health Secretary Ted Herbosa revealed concerns over a potential breach in the Philippines’ COVID-19 vaccination data, stemming from a reported hack into the World Health Organization’s database. Herbosa, in a recent statement, acknowledged the received reports indicating the compromise and breach of this crucial data housed within the WHO.

The Department of Health (DOH) has initiated collaboration with the WHO and the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) to verify the accuracy of these reports and to assess the extent of any potential data breaches. Herbosa emphasized the importance of determining appropriate interventions should such breaches be confirmed. He assured the public of forthcoming information as the investigation progresses.

Aboy Paraiso, the spokesperson for the DICT, confirmed the compromise of the COVID-19 vaccination database for both the Philippines and India based on the findings of the agency’s computer emergency response team.

The compromised data poses significant risks, potentially exposing sensitive personal information of individuals enrolled in the COVID-19 vaccination program. This includes full names, addresses, birthdays, contact numbers, email addresses, blood types, and medical histories, putting the affected individuals at potential risk.

Security analyst Karla Cruz raised alarms, citing the hacking incident’s magnitude involving around 180 million data sets released onto the dark web. She highlighted the imminent danger this breach poses to the public.

Herbosa assured the public of existing measures in place to safeguard data confidentiality. He underscored the DOH’s commitment to reinforcing the security of their data systems, facilitated through their Knowledge Management and Information Technology services.

Moreover, Herbosa urged citizens to maintain vigilance and adopt proactive measures to secure their personal and private information amid the recent surge in hacking incidents.

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